National Trust IndexTM

Great Place to Work® Institute’s Trust IndexTM precisely measures the underlying level of trust within your organisation.

Please fill-up the form to start the survey.

National Trust IndexTM is a Great Place to Work® Initiative, in association with Monster Inc., to infer the workplace sentiment of India Inc. This is an anonymous and independent survey that anyone can take and share his/her feedback on their perception of the workplace. The statements of the survey are based on the Trust IndexTM framework that is implemented by 10,000+ organizations every year, across the globe.

Please note the response you shared is your perception of your workplace and in no way indicates whether your organization is Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM or not. Your contact information and the response you shared will remain confidential. The aggregate outcomes of all the surveys will be published in a report called National Trust IndexTM and distributed for learning and research purpose.

Please fill-up the form to start the survey.